Evidence in Education

An experiment in rapid evidence collation

Our sites

Education in Malawi

Education in Malawi

A digital library offering a wide array of educational resources including academic articles and lesson plans. The site is user-friendly, and focuses on enhancing education quality in Malawi.

Evidence library of Open Development & Education

Evidence library of Open Development & Education

This library collects evidence generated and used by Open Development & Education. It contains everything we published, together with everything we read or cite.

Technology in Education library

Technology in Education library

This library contains a range of publications, including meta-analysis and literature reviews, on children's learning with technology in England, UK.

Technology in Education library

Programa Potenciar

This is the evidence library of Programa Potenciar.

Technology in Education library

Climate Change

This library collects evdience on climate change and how climate change affects education.

Related sites

Evidence library of AdaptDev

Evidence library of AdaptDev

This is the evidence library of the AdaptDev programme.

Evidence library of the EdTech Hub

Evidence library of the EdTech Hub

This is the evidence library of the EdTech Hub.

African Education Research Database

African Education Research Database

This is the African Education Research Database, maintained by ESSA Africa.